
Naturopathic Medicine

Naturopathy encompasses treatment and diagnostic modalities that are used based on the principles and theory of naturopathic medicine. The clinical application of naturopathic theory influences case management regarding selection, sequencing and integration of therapies, as well as healing practices, and lifestyle and wellness approaches. This ranges from diet alterations or supplementation advice to lifestyle alterations regarding basic exercise or activity improvements though to hydrotherapy advice.

The core belief is that nature is the cure, and that the healing power of nature will enable optimum healing of the body, without dependency on pharmaceuticals. With such dietary, lifestyle and healing promoting therapies the body becomes well equipped for coping with daily stressors, improving health and preventing disease.

Naturopathic Consultation £80
Naturopathic Treatments £65

What's Included

Naturopathic Consultation
(50 minutes)
Full Case History
Lifestyle Assessment
Nutritional Screening
Treatment Plan
Onward Referral

Naturopathic Follow-Up
(30 minutes)
Review of Symptoms
Treatment Plan Progression

Nutritional Screening

Very often the identification of major food groups or nutrient deficiencies within the diet is required in order to help patients achieve better health. 
Whether it be regarding skin conditions such as eczema or acne, bowel and bladder health or other systemic problems such as anaemia and inflammation.
Use of a 24-hour recall and/or completion of a food diary is required to identify strong and weak points within a persons' diet.

Lifestyle Assessment

Many conditions and problems people experience can be helped significantly through changes in their daily routine, their exercise regime or work/leisure postures and self-care practices. 
Whether this be starting new exercises classes, basic gym work, sports or shifting from vehicle transport to walking and cycling etc. 
Meditation, relaxation, visualisation and breathing techniques can be utilised with pain management, stress perception and boosting immune function. 
If the presenting problem regards skin conditions then hygiene factors such as over-cleansing or updating appliances all become relevant.
Discussing all these things brings to light areas which can be altered to optimise health and well-being.

Treatment Interventions

Treatment interventions include:
  • Diet alterations whether specific foods, food groups or supplements may help or hinder a persons' problem. Therefore, a 24-hour or even 7-day food journal may be utilised
  • Osteopathic treatment
  • Hydrotherapy advice
  • Breathing technique advice
  • Lifestyle alterations regarding stress management, weight loss, joint protection and condition management

Further Information

Andre Romeril

Feel free to email me with any questions or concerns regarding your initial consultation or even to schedule a phone call.
If you choose to call and I am unable to answer; please leave a voicemail with your name and number and I will get back to you as soon as I can.
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