Hip pain is very common in both children and elderly populations. Other more common people who experience hip pain include sports people or those who are on their feet or walking for large portions of the day.
Hip pain can be provoked by lifting heavy objects from low off the ground and tripping or spontaneous movements involving recovering from losing balance. Chances of developing hip pain increases if the activity involves extending the leg back and using maximal muscle strength to drive the leg such as in: football, rugby, racket sports, athletic events (hurdles, triple jump, long jump, javelin etc) and gymnasts and dance styles.
Hip pain can be more serious in the elderly and child age populations and as such there is more emphasis on detailed case history and examination. Such careful screening will reveal if further referral for imaging and special testing is required for best management of the problem.
Muscles strains and joint irritation/’wear and tear’ are the most common causes of hip pain and may only require a short series of treatment to resolve the problem.
Groin pain may be mistaken for hip pain that may be a result of a hernia or genital issues referring pain to the hip. This will require further investigation and if careful case history reveals this may be a possibility then referral to the doctor for investigation will be needed.